Machakos hadassah farm hydrogeological test

Hydrogeological testing in Hadassah Farm in Machakos county.

The present report describes the results for groundwater resources/ hydrogeological investigations for Hadassah Farm Limited in Handy Village, Malaa Sub Location, Kiaitinome Location, Muthwani Division within Matungulu Sub County of Machakos County. The study is required to identify a suitable site for drilling one production borehole. The borehole will be used as a water source within the plot. The water demand is estimated to be about 30m3/day.
The Project area is situated in a zone with moderate groundwater potential. Boreholes drilled within the neighborhood of the investigated area are quite productive and have recorded yields ranging from 1.8 – 78.2m3/hr. The yield of the borehole to be drilled within the area is expected to be within the above range, but careful construction and development will lead to maximum borehole productivity, efficiency and long life.
Water quality is expected to be good with exception of fluoride concentration which may be higher than the maximum permissible WHO limits for human consumption.

Hadassah Farm Limited Machakos RPT