ConstructionOngoing Projects AllBoreholesBuilding WorksConstructionInterior Design Successful Hydrogeological Survey in Nyandarua County, North Kinangop Boreholes Interior Design of Smoky’s Restaurant Lavington ConstructionInterior Designuncategorized Borehole Drilling in Machakos Hadassah Farm Boreholes Borehole drilling, equipping, solar installation and construction of elevated water tank in West Pokot Boreholes Borehole Drilling & Equipping, Kapenguria Boreholesuncategorized Smokys Restaurant, Kiambu Road ConstructionInterior Design New Smokys Restaurant – Kimbo Building WorksConstructionInterior Design Construction of Residential House Building WorksConstruction
Borehole drilling, equipping, solar installation and construction of elevated water tank in West Pokot Boreholes